Unique Support in Finding Your True Life Direction

You know you have a "good enough" life but there's a niggle that you actually want more, different, better.

Holistic counselling will walk you through those feelings and alongside you as you create the life you truly desire with tenderness and truth.

Unique Support in Finding Your True Life Direction

You know you have a "good enough" life but there's a niggle that you actually want more, different, better.

Holistic counselling will walk you through those feelings and alongside you as you create the life you truly desire.

Spiritual Wellness Support


Unique online counselling sessions

Holistic counselling allows you the space to be seen and heard without judgement, to achieve greater clarity on what you want and how to create it, and to receive intuitive guidance in a gentle and nourishing way. Through a range of mind, body, and spirit modalities, you will be held in your healing and supported in your life's journey.

Uncover your gifts, connect with your intuition, release your conditioning, heal your core wounds, and courageously create the magical life your soul desires.


I'm a qualified and registered holistic counsellor with a passion for supporting people to take the courageous leap to change their life. At 25, I stepped into the unknown and radically changed my own life direction and sought spiritual growth and self awareness. This has led to a more aligned life than I could have ever imagined. And so, my greatest desire is to support others ready to do the same; to walk alongside you as you radically change your life and commit to your own personal growth and self-awareness. You know you are destined for a big, brave life.

"There's gotta be more to life than this" - let me tell you, there absolutely is.

I'm a qualified and registered holistic counsellor with a passion for supporting people to take the courageous leap to change their life. At 25, I stepped into the unknown and radically changed my own life direction and sought spiritual growth and self awareness. This has led to a more aligned life than I could have ever imagined. And so, my greatest desire is to support others ready to do the same; to walk alongside you as you radically change your life and commit to your own personal growth and self-awareness. You know you are destined for a big, brave life.

"There's gotta be more to life than this" - let me tell you, there absolutely is.

At a crossroads? Feeling stuck and unsure of what is the 'right thing' to do?

I'll guide you through 5 days of soulful tasks to get you to clarity on what you truly want, readiness for change, and to taking the first step on your own road less travelled.

At a crossroads? Considering making a big change in your life?

I'll guide you through 5 days of exercises to get you to clarity on what you want, readiness for change, and an action plan to make it happen.


You've ticked the boxes in life, but it doesn't feel good. You've worked hard to get here, but something isn't right. You push through each day and keep yourself busy because if you stop, you're actually miserable. Filling your schedule (or eating, watching, drinking) is the only way to continue functioning. Reaching for the next milestone - a partner, a house, a career, a family - gives you the false hope that you'll be happy when.

But the thought that loops through your mind is... "Is this it?"

You want to enjoy your life. To wake up in a house that feels safe. To have friendships that inspire you. To excel in your career with ease. To get signs from the Universe that you're in the right place. To be able to manifest your dream day, relationship, holiday. To know that you won't look back and wish you'd done things differently.

I'm here to not only show you it can be done but also to walk with you as you create this life of your truest self.

You've ticked the boxes in life, but it doesn't feel good. You've worked hard to get here, but something isn't right. You push through each day and keep yourself busy because if you stop, you're actually miserable. Filling your schedule (or eating, watching, drinking) is the only way to continue functioning. Reaching for the next milestone - a partner, a house, a career, a family - gives you the false hope that you'll be happy when.

But the thought that loops through your mind is... "Is this it?"

You want to enjoy your life. To wake up in a house that feels safe. To have friendships that inspire you. To excel in your career with ease. To get signs from the Universe that you're in the right place. To be able to manifest your dream day, relationship, holiday. To know that you won't look back and wish you'd done things differently.

I'm here to not only show you it can be done but also to walk with you as you create this life of your truest self.

Ready to consider another possibility for your life?

Would you like support from me?



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Jane Doe


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